Sunday 10 June 2012

The Pre-Launch Photo Shoot

Yesterday morning was very exciting as I had my first product pre-launch photo shoot with the very talented photographer Holly Booth! Holly is a professional freelance photographer who specialises in fashion, portrait, lifestlye, product photographs, and has recently dabbled in bridal work, creating her beautiful photographs with the use of natural light and on location.

She is a friend of mine and I had been wanting to work with her for a while after falling in love with her photography work a year or so ago; I felt honoured to have my bouquets and buttonholes photographed by her and working with her was a real pleasure! When making my first group of bouquets I knew Holly would be the perfect photographer for the look and tone of To Love And To Cherish Bouquets, and I'm so excited to unveil the first photographs.

I have been busy making a range of bouquets and buttonholes to introduce my style of bouquet making and the different designs I can create, ready to take to wedding fairs and to release online.The shoot went so well, we had plenty of vintage props on the go and the set ups were everything I'd hoped for and more.

To Love And To Cherish Bouquets will be launching very soon with more blog entries, a new facebook page, twitter updates and all the latest bouquet news for you to feast your pretty eyes on!

In the meanwhile please check out Holly's lovely website for all of her latest portfolio work. I also highly recommend following her on twitter @hollyphotobooth!

Emma x.

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