Saturday 21 April 2012

The Beginning of a Very Crafty Fairytale

Good morning!

As I begin my blog and treasure bouquet adventures I thought you might like to know how and why I began To Love And To Cherish Bouquets.

During my degree at university, I grew a love for anything handmade. The 'slow fashion' movement has always fascinated me - appreciating the making process and background of a piece as equally as the final product. I have also always enjoyed anything vintage related, finding beautiful jewellery, clothes and accessories with endless history the most exciting items of them all.

Button bouquets are relatively new in the UK, and I instantly fell in love and began making my own - a craft form I found thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding. I fell in love with the care and time taken in the creation of such exquisite pieces, and how much this would be appreciated by the bride on her big day, and forever after.

Now I am working to combine my skills in fashion, trend awareness, and designing with my love of button bouquet making to create bouquets and buttonholes that are more unique than any you may have had a glimpse of before.

And so the story begins! Keep reading my blog for more details, products and designs coming soon!

Emma x.